This devotion was sent to me this morning
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.Hebrews 12:1 There are times when we feel completely alone. We feel as if no one has ever experienced what we’ve gone through. No one could possibly know the agony of watching your child suffer from leukemia. No one could possibly know the pain of having your husband walk out on you. No one could possibly know the fear of being diagnosed with breast cancer. But you know what? There are women that have experienced the same thing. They have run the same race. We are surrounded by women who have struggled through situations and spent countless nights crying to God for strength. They are witnesses to God’s love and grace. They are witnesses to the life of faith. How did they manage to survive? They didn’t do it alone. We aren’t made to live this life alone. God has given us people in our lives to run the race of life with us. This race isn’t a sprint but a marathon. For anyone who has ever run a marathon, there are moments of highs and even more moments of lows. Everyone finds a point where he or she is ready to give up. Weighed down by the insecurities and doubts that slow us down in this life, you begin to feel that you can’t go any further. But you’re not alone. You are surrounded by others who are in this same race and struggling with the same fears and pain. They run alongside you and encourage you, helping you finish the race. Praise God that he hasn’t left us alone. As women, we have a natural affinity for relationships. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. Allow God to direct you toward women who will care for you. Try finding an older female to mentor you. Allow stories of her struggles and faith to comfort you. Then, look for ways that you can mentor to someone else. Women of faith, we need each other. Come alongside other women and run the race of faith together."
I want to tell you one of the blessings I am most thankful for this year. I am so Thankful for the women God has put in my life. Those who encourage and run this race with me. Wendla, Mary, and Katie just to name a few. I can't Thank God enough, or find the words to express how much I love you. You pray with me, pray for me and encourage me. You come along side me with words that build up and ignite passion for the King of Kings. You laugh with me and cry with me. I Praise God that He is so wise as to give me girls with a sense of humor( to be my friend you need one!) and women who's hearts are completely SOLD OUT for our Great God! You are a reflection of Him in all you do. Thank you for showing His love to me and to those around you. I am Truly Blessed to have you as my "women of the way"!