Believing Him for more than I can imagine!

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Santa Rosa, Ca., United States
"Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" 2 Corinthians 5:18-20

Friday, May 25, 2012

                                        Slow your Roll

 Understand [this], my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry. James 1:19 Amplified    ...slow to take offense AND slow to get angry....hmm

       Okay this caught my eye, and so I did what I do when something in His word catches my attention in a focused, what does this really mean, I want to know more kinda way. So I looked it up in the original language. I love His word, because it is alive, I have learned this especially to be true when I search it out. My heart beats a little faster as I turn the pages of my Bible and Greek and Hebrew dictionary's in search of meanings to words and deeper truths, I feel His word go deeper inside me as I look for treasures in His word, and I am never disappointed . You can not study His Word with a sincere heart and NOT have it speak to you when you find truth. ("You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13) This time was no different.

      I don't like being told to be quiet, I tend to have words, lots of words. When I hear "quick to listen, and slow to speak" I tend to do a little wrestling. It's not that I don't want to listen, I do! I guess I had been told to "be quiet" so much growing up, that I must have saved all those words for when I was older, and now there are a multitude of words just waiting to get out! 
          I was searching out the words "slow to take offense, and slow to get angry" I noticed not all versions and translations used the phrase slow to take offense, and I wondered why that would be overlooked. I guess maybe it was why God wanted me to see it in the Amplified version, I have always heard and read in other versions slow to become angry, but this was more, it was saying more than just that.  As I looked up the words I was shocked and yet not shocked at what I found. It makes so much sense really, because I am a woman, completely emotional and relational. And.... I have been known at times in my life to freak out in my reaction to things! Jus sayin'

      The word for slow in the original language is "bradys" pronounced "bra-dus". It means to be slow, slow to comprehend or believe, inactive in mind. The word "to" is simple, right? But I looked it up anyhow and I am glad I did. The Greek word for to in this verse is "eis" meaning- into, towards, among, unto, to. I also looked up the word anger and saw why the Amplified says "slow to take offense AND slow to become angry." The word for anger or wrath in the King James, is in the Greek "Orge" pronounced "Or-ga." meaning Anger, temper, character, movement or agitation of the soul, impulse, desire, any violent emotion, but esp. anger

     So as I sat and looked at all this, I saw what He was saying to me, and maybe it will speak to you as well. I saw that not only anger was being spoken about here, but as it is described "any violent emotion" and the "movement or agitation of the soul" I don't know about you but I have had things move and agitate my soul that had nothing to do with anger. I have felt fearful and discouraged as loved ones have told me things that rock me to the core and  have moved me into, and towards devastation undermining the faith that is needed to stand firm and believe. To not be so quick to believe what appears to devastate as having power greater than God and His plans. I have had violent emotion as I have witnessed things unjust in the lives of friends and family. And here God was saying to me...Slow your roll Mimi, wait before you react, trust that I am still God even in the devastation of whatever seems to be happening.
          You see it's not that we are expected not to feel, become angry, or devastated. But before we react, we slow our roll for a minute, be quick to listen, slow to speak or become offended or hurt or react in our violent emotion and wait to hear Him remind us that He is fully in control even in the devastating and angering times. That He has plans we can not comprehend for the lives of us who are called by His name. Does that mean we don't experience devastation? anger? hurt? No. But I am learning to slow it down in my heart and head before I react and speak. To really listen and really hear as to understand. Because as the verse following says, Man's anger does not promote the righteousness of God. So that's is what I came to realize, not only be quick to listen but to slow my roll when it comes to anything that can throw me off and rock me, no matter what someone says, does or doesn't do, I can slow it down ...wait to slow to become offended, trust Him in all of it, and keep my mouth quiet in my reactions to things, and my heart guarded from being offended, trusting Him instead!     Slowin my Roll about you?


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another little piece of my heart ...